Oficina en China
Yunhan Road No. 979, 2nd Floor Lingang New Area, Shanghai, China
Ph: +86 137 0183 1404
Oficina en México
Próximamente | Marzo 2021
Ph: +52 5555 5555

Arrival Inspection

  • Ideal for

    Exporters, Food Packers

  • Reception in

    China and Asia in general


Reception of containers with food products

This service focuses on receiving containers with food products. A visual inspection is made of the conditions of the container, packaging, and products, followed by a brief sampling where the state in which the products arrive, the quality, hardness, size, and the percentage of products with issues is analyzed.

Inspection process

The inspection process begins with the confirmation of the service after which we follow up with the forwarder to monitor the arrival date and the opening of the container. Once the opening date is confirmed, the necessary arrangements are made for an inspector to be present to carry out the inspection.

Phase 1

Receiving and opening containers

Prior to opening
  1. Container number on door and sides.
  2. Container seal number and no tampering.
  3. B/L review and supervise that the information is correct.
Opening time
  1. A visual inspection of the compressors is carried out in refrigerated containers to ensure they are working.
  2. The digital thermometer located inside the container is removed to check that there have been no variations in temperature during the journey. If so, it is notified in the report so that the exporter can communicate with the forwarder and clarify the situation.
Unloading time
  1. Pallet quantity
  2. Number of boxes per pallet
  3. Unloading process

Phase 2

Physical review of the product

Visual and qualitative inspection of products
  1. Correct labels and identifications
  2. Weight of boxes and packaging.
  3. Pallet temperature
  4. Product temperature
  5. Product hardness
  6. Caliber of products

Phase 3

Report delivery

Report delivery
  1. Photographic report of the products, packaging and general conditions.
  2. Numerical information of the tests carried out.
  3. Photographic report of the processes and tests carried out.
Delivery time

The report is delivered within 24 hours after the inspection. In case of critical issues, we contact the exporter as soon as possible.

Your representatives in China

Send us an email and we evaluate the service you require.

We provide trained inspectors in any city in China ready to perform inspection services in less than 24 hours.

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